Birthday Cards
Each Birthday Card contains a beautifully handcrafted sun catcher that celebrates an important event in the story of Creation. The Subanen artisans weave these sun catchers using tiny seed beads and one strand of thread. The meaning of each sun catcher is given below.
Sun-catchers, upper row left to right:
The Birth of the Universe. This pendant, with its bursting yellow and red image, celebrates the flaring forth of the Universe.
The Birth of the Galaxies. This pendant with its image of a blue spiral galaxy, celebrates the long process that gave birth to the galaxies.
The Birth of the Solar System. This pendant, with its image of the sun and its orbiting planets, celebrates the long process that formed the Solar System.
The Birth of the Earth. This pendant, with its image of six erupting volcanoes, celebrates the long process that formed Earth.
Sun-catchers, bottom row left to right:
The Birth of Life.This pendant, with its image of a leafing tree, celebrates the birth of life on Earth.
The Birth of the Earth Community. This pendant, with its image of spiraling colors, celebrates the beautiful habitats of the Earth Community.
The Birth of Humans. This pendant, with its image of human figures standing on the blue Earth, celebrates the birth of human beings.
The Birth of the Ecological Age. This pendant, with its image of a web holding an Earth bead, celebrates the birth of an age of caring for the Earth.
Price: $5.00 each card.
Creation Cards are all-occasion cards that celebrate significant "Births" in the story of Creation. Subanen artisans carefully hand-cut and inlay colorful paper strips to form the vibrant images in these cards. The meaning of each image is explained on the back of each card. Sets of these cards make beautiful gifts. The cards are so stunningly beautiful that many people have framed them instead of sending them as cards.
Top row, left to right:
Birth of the Universe
Birth of the Galaxies
Birth of the Solar System
Center row, left to right:
Birth of the Earth
Birth of Life
Birth of the Earth Community
Bottom row, left to right:
Birth of Humans
Birth of the Ecological Age
Birth of You
Price: $1.50 each
A set of all 9 Creation Cards is $13.50 plus shipping
"The First Noel" cards come in a set of 10 different designs.
Price: is $12.00 per set plus shipping
The "First Noel" Christmas Cards
Last year we produced five "First Noel" Christmas Cards whose images showed Joseph caring for Mary and Jesus. This year we added five more images. It took two years of hard work to the conceive, design, and produce this set of ten cards. The result is a beautiful celebration of Joseph's love for Mary and Jesus.
The images in the cards were inspired by the Subanen People. The harsh conditions of that "First Noel" in the hills Bethlehem are similar to the conditions that Subanens face daily in the hills of Mindanao. Jesus was born in a stable. Most Subanens were born in simple thatched huts. For babies to survive in such circumstances Subanen parents needed to care for each other and their newborns in practical ways. These cards honor the practical ways that Joseph might have cared for Mary and Jesus if he were a Subanen.
The Subanen crafters hand cut the intricate designs of these cards and then inlaid the designs with colored paper. Each set took many hours to craft. The messages inside read: "Wishing You a Peaceful and Joyful Christmas", Wishing You the Many Blessings of Christmas", Thinking of you at Christmas Time", Wishing you Peace and Joy at Christmas and Throughout the New Year", and "Wishing You a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful New Year."
These gift cards are a handy way to give someone a special gift . Like the birthday cards above each gift card has a sun catcher that celebrtes a special event in the story of the Universe.
A Gift for You Cards
Birthday cards are $5.00 each plus shipping
"A Gift for You" cards are $5.00 each plus shipping
Creation Cards
Subanen Crafts
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Creation Easter Cards
The Creation Easter Cards celebrate the promise and hope of Easter. The Subanen artistans carefully inlaid 5 colorful images of a radiant cross to honor the victory of our risen Lord over the darkness of death.
The message inside the cards says: "May the light of the risen Lord guide you on your life's journey."
Images top row:
Joseph repairing the manger, Joseph cleaning the stable, Joseph bringing straw to the manger.
Images middle row:
Joseph spreading a blanket, Joseph bringing water to the stable, Joseph making a fire.
Images bottom row:
Joseph cooking food, Joseph giving food to Mary, Joseph watching over Jesus while Mary rests.
Joseph guiding Mary to the sheltering stable